Thursday, February 13, 2020


                                 Adalah faucet yang sampai saat ini terbukti membayar
                                 kemungkinan anda mendapat kan coin cukup besar
                                 perlu di ingat bahwa faucet ini memerlukan kesabaran
                                 akan tetapi anda tidak perlu risau sebab bila anda tekun
                                 anda kan mendapat kan coin yang banyak untuk anda
                                 kirim ke wallet anda
                                untuk melakukan pengirim ke wallet anda baik ex. indodax
                                atau akun lain. anda haru mengirim terlebih dahulu ke akun
                                bayangan yang disedian xcolander  .


                              anda berminat silahkan bergabung disini :XCOLANDER

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Bitcoin exchange rate in the Indonesian market breaks the highest price of 100 million per one coin

Seeing how Bitcoin begins, this achievement is remarkable. At the beginning of its release from January of 2009 to March 2010, Bitcoin almost has no value On May 13, 2017, news of Bitcoin's price movements in the world as well as its developments in developed countries are discussed in the press newspaper Koran Kontan. Here is reported that the price of Bitcoin has increased rapidly to touch the figure of 1.800 USD. Means from the end of 2016, bitcoin prices have increased 91.26%. Even some experts predict that the price of Bitcoin will break the 3,000 USD mark later this year. In the same month, started to operate and by that time Bitcoin started to have a value of $ 0.003. In May of the same year, Laszlo Hanyecz made the first transaction in the world using Bitcoin by buying a pizza for 10,000 BTC (think how much nil it is now). Within 5 days, Bitcoin experienced a price increase of up to 1000%, from $ 0.008 to $ 0.08 for 1 Bitcoin. After having an official exchange rate with the dollar, Bitcoin continues to experience turbulence including rising and falling prices and starting to reach many countries and various sectors. In Indonesia alone, there is the largest Digital Exchange, Bitcoin Indonesia, which has more than 500 thousand members. In the company they can not only trade Bitcoin, but also other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin Cash, Waves, Ethereum, Ripple, as well as popular free coin mining sites such as EOBOT that are in great demand by Femula or Bitcoiners

The popularity of Bitcoin is not easily accepted in all countries, but Japan and South Korea are not half-examples of using Bitcoin. As two areas in Asia that are known to have very conservative investors and traders, Japan and South Korea have experienced an exponential increase in Bitcoin demand from local traders. In an interview with Nathaniel Poppers of the New York Times in October, Korbit founder and CEO Tony Lyu stressed that once anyone invests in South Korea, they will encourage others or their associates to join the "group"

Today there are many world renowned investors such as Bill Miller began entrusting his money to invest in Bitcoin. Countries that had made the ban Bitcoin circulation began to open the eyes to the great potential of the most famous virtual currency in the world.

Today there are many world renowned investors such as Bill Miller began entrusting his money to invest in Bitcoin. Countries that had made the ban Bitcoin circulation began to open the eyes to the great potential of the most famous virtual currency in the world.

Currently, the exchange rate of bitcoin in Indonesia reaches 100 million per one coin. This is a new surprise for Bitcoin Indonesia users that the figure of 100 million is a fantastic thing but all must remain wary of high price stability because Bitcoin can change the exchange rate in minutes like investment trade others.

Melihat bagaimana Bitcoin bermula, pencapaian ini sangat luar biasa. Di awal perilisannya dari bulan Januari tahun 2009 hingga Maret 2010, Bitcoin nyaris tidak punya nilai Pada tanggal 13 Mei 2017, berita tentang pergerakan harga Bitcoin di dunia serta perkembangannya di negara-negara maju dibahas dalam media cetak Koran Kontan. Disini diberitakan bahwa harga Bitcoin mengalami kenaikan yang pesat hingga menyentuh angka 1,800 USD. Berarti dari akhir tahun 2016, harga bitcoin sudah meningkat 91,26%. Bahkan beberapa ahli memprediksi bahwa harga Bitcoin akan menembus angka 3,000 USD akhir tahun ini. Di bulan yang  sama, mulai beroperasi dan pada saat itu Bitcoin mulai memiliki nilai seharga $0.003. Di bulan Mei di tahun yang sama, Laszlo Hanyecz melakukan transaksi pertama di dunia yang menggunakan Bitcoin dengan membeli pizza seharga 10.000 BTC (bayangkan berapa nilanya sekarang). Dalam 5 hari, Bitcoin mengalami kenaikan harga hingga 1000%, dari $0.008 ke $0.08 untuk 1 Bitcoin. Setelah memiliki nilai tukar resmi dengan dolar, Bitcoin terus mengalami pergolakan termasuk kenaikan dan penurunan harga serta mulai merambah banyak negara dan berbagai sektornya. Di Indonesia sendiri, terdapat Digital Exchange terbesar, Bitcoin Indonesia, yang memiliki lebih dari 500 ribu anggota. Di perusahaan itu mereka tidak hanya bisa trading Bitcoin, tapi juga cryptocurrency lainnya, seperti Bitcoin Cash, Waves, Ethereum, Ripple, serta tempat pertambangan coin gratis yang terkenal seperti EOBOT yang sangat diminati baik oleh Femula atau Bitcoiners

Popularitas Bitcoin memang tidak diterima dengan mudah di semua negara, namun Jepang dan Korea Selatan adalah contoh yang tidak setengah-setengah dengan penggunaan Bitcoinnya. Sebagai dua wilayah di Asia yang diketahui memiliki investor dan pedagang yang sangat konservatif, Jepang dan Korea Selatan telah mengalami peningkatan eksponensial permintaan Bitcoin dari pedagang lokal. Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Nathaniel Poppers dari New York Times pada bulan Oktober, pendiri dan CEO Korbit Tony Lyu menekankan bahwa begitu ada yang melakukan investasi di Korea Selatan, mereka akan mendorong orang lain atau rekan mereka untuk bergabung dengan “kelompok” tersebut

Saat ini ada banyak investor terkenal dunia seperti Bill Miller mulai mempercayakan uangnya untuk diinvestasikan ke Bitcoin. Negara-negara yang sempat membuat larangan peredaran Bitcoin pun mulai membuka mata pada potensi besar yang dimiliki mata uang virtual paling terkenal di dunia ini.
Saat ini ada banyak investor terkenal dunia seperti Bill Miller mulai mempercayakan uangnya untuk diinvestasikan ke Bitcoin. Negara-negara yang sempat membuat larangan peredaran Bitcoin pun mulai membuka mata pada potensi besar yang dimiliki mata uang virtual paling terkenal di dunia ini. 

Kini nilai tukar bitcoin di indonesia mencapai 100 juta per satu coin ini adalah kejutan baru bagi pengguna Bitcoin Indonesia angka 100 juta tersebut adalah hal yang fantastik akan tetapi semua harus tetap mewaspadai tinggat kesetabilan harga karena Bitcoin dapat berubah ubah nilai tukarnya dalam hitungan menit  seperti perdagangan investasi lain .


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Bitcoin prices now (harga bitcoin sekarang)

On May 13, 2017, news about Bitcoin's price movements in the world as well as its developments in developed countries are discussed in the press newspaper Koran Kontan. Here is reported that the price of Bitcoin has increased rapidly to touch the figure of 1.800 USD. Means from the end of 2016, bitcoin prices have increased 91.26%. Even some experts predict that the price of Bitcoin will break the 3,000 USD mark later this year. What do you think, Bitcoiners?

Pada tanggal 13 Mei 2017, berita tentang pergerakan harga Bitcoin di dunia serta perkembangannya di negara-negara maju dibahas dalam media cetak Koran Kontan. Disini diberitakan bahwa harga Bitcoin mengalami kenaikan yang pesat hingga menyentuh angka 1,800 USD. Berarti dari akhir tahun 2016, harga bitcoin sudah meningkat 91,26%. Bahkan beberapa ahli memprediksi bahwa harga Bitcoin akan menembus angka 3,000 USD akhir tahun ini.
Bagaimana menurut Anda, Bitcoiners?

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Solar Eclipse 2016 in Indonesia

GORONTALO, - Solar eclipse ring (GMC) in Indonesia will traverse three provinces, namely Aceh, Riau and Riau Islands, on December 26, 2019.
Ring solar eclipse differs from a total solar eclipse. At GMC, more closer the positions of the sun so that the diameter of the moon appears smaller than during a total solar eclipse.
"At GMC, the sun is not completely closed the month, the moon looks smaller than the ball the sun so that when the eclipse views will form a circular ring of fire," said Hasan Arif, staff Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Gorontalo, Thursday (10 / 3/2016).
This ring solar eclipse will resemble a burning ring of fire in the sky. Nature is not as dark as a total solar eclipse.
Burning ring forms in this space will be a unique natural phenomenon. It is estimated that, of the three provinces that diilintasi GMC will be more visited by tourists and scientists.
Meanwhile, a total solar eclipse (GMT) will again across Indonesia on 20 April 2023. - Genesis rare total solar eclipse (GMT) will take place in Indonesia on March 9, 2016. The eclipse predicted would happen in 10 provinces and a number of tourist sites mainstay in Indonesia. Trails GMT it stems from Palembang (South Sumatra), Bangka Belitung (Babel), Sampit (Central Kalimantan), Palangkaraya (Central Kalimantan), Balikpapan (East Kalimantan), Palu, Poso, Luwuk (Central Sulawesi), Ternate to Halmahera (Moluccas North).
GMT in 10 provinces will be held for 4 minutes 9 seconds. "Luwuk be an area crossed by the eclipse with the longest duration, about 2 minutes 50 seconds, at 8:41 pm," said the head of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) Thomas Jamaladin, as quoted from the site LAPAN, Tuesday (05/01).
Observe a solar eclipse, Thomas explains, requires a certain way to be safe. Thomas advised to use sun glasses are coated with a special solar filter. This is to prevent damage to the eye when observed directly without the help of tools.
Thomas continues, the Sumatra region will experience a solar eclipse about two minutes, occurred at 7:20 pm; Borneo for 2.5 minutes, at 07.30 am or 8:30 pm; Sulawesi for three minutes at 8:40 pm; North Maluku for 3.5 minutes 09:54 CEST. While Jakarta suffered only partial solar eclipse in the morning.
The total width of the trail GMT on earth along 155 kilometers. In addition, a number of other areas in Indonesia can also see a partial solar eclipse, including; Kota Padang, Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Pontianak, Denpasar, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Kupang, Manado and Ambon. In Jakarta, the partial solar eclipse occurs starting at 6:19 pm.
GMT will again take place at the same place within a period of 350 years. Previously, Indonesia had once crossed GMT on June 11, 1983 with a coverage area different from GMT 2016. "Among the 20 incident solar eclipse that occurred between 2001 and 2020, there is only one total solar eclipse and a second ring solar eclipse was observed in Indonesia," said Thomas.